Sharon Davis
2 min readOct 30, 2022


Spoken like a true Democrat. It isn't just the economy, although that is the main issue. There's a constant reminder everytime you put gas in your car or buy groceries--life is a hell of a lot more costly than it was under the other guy. I don't have young children in the house anymore, but if I did, it would be so much worse. How can a parent provide all the things they want to for their children, like music lessons or sports--which make life so much richer--when they can barely afford to feed and clothe them?

But, it's not just the economy. It's crime. Even if it's not in your neighborhood, you hear about it, and it sounds like it's everywhere and so random. Maslov's hierarchy teaches us that security is at the top of the triangle. It's government's job to protect its citizens. Right now, it's doing a lousy job. Thank you, Defund the Police rhetorical poison. And yes, Democrats own that.

It's also the porous southern border. The constant stream of desperate humanity coming over the border in waves, paying what little money they have to the cartels, is unonscionable. Biden says the border was broken before he took office. And what we have now is so much better? Hundreds of people dying trying to get in, through drowning, fiery car crashes, and human smuggling? This is not better. Between the human cost and the fentanyl coming in, the citizens of this country are paying too high of a price. Every civilized nation in the world has a system for immigation that involves security checks. Here? Benevenido a Estados Unitas!! You, and a million got-aways.

Social justice issues like abortion are at the top of no one's mind. It's important to 5% of voters, and that includes pro-choice and pro-lifers. I live in a state where abortion is legal up to birth. Infanticide on demand. This is in no way an issue for me. But I'll tell you what is--cashless bail. That also is "on the ballot" in NYS--one candidate says he's going to get rid of it, the other is one of the reasons we have it.

Your belief that Republicans would impeach Joe Biden is nonsense for two reasons:

1) Who wants Kamala? She's worse than Joe, if that's possible.

2) Joe Biden is a weak candidate. If he does run again, he would be easier to beat no matter who the Republican candidate is.

The Democrats have had full control for almost two years. What's happened in that time period? Nothing good, and you are correct that some economic issues are global--but not all. That's what voters who don't wear blinders are seeing. The only way citizens can affect any change is through voting, and I suspect they're going to exercise the hell out of that option. This shouldn't be a surprise.



Sharon Davis

Wife. Mother. Librarian. Conservative — pretty much in that order.